
I’ve held off talking about using manifestation to help design the life I want. It can feel like a touchy subject, like discussing astrology or crystals. However, I’ve used manifesting techniques to successfully design my life for a couple of decades and I feel it’s the right time to share my tips. In this post you’ll learn what manifesting is, how it can work for you and the best methods to make your goals a reality.

The Manifestation Myth
First, I want to be clear it’s not about magic or superstition. The practice of manifesting is about understanding the power of your conscious and subconscious mind and thoughts and using them to create the results (or reality) you desire.
What is Manifesting?
Manifesting is the action of bringing your thoughts and desires to reality. It's about aligning your mind, heart, and actions to achieve your dreams and goals.
What Manifesting Is Not
Magic: Manifesting isn't a quick fix or a short-cut. It is not magic, either. Effort and action are important parts of the process.
Selfish: Manifesting isn't about getting everything you want at the expense of others. It's about creating a life that aligns with your values and contributes positively to the world.
Passive: Manifesting isn't about simply wishing and waiting. It involves taking an active role that may include planning, reflection, and problem solving to bring your desires into reality.
Common Mistakes To Avoid
Lack of Belief: Manifestation is more than a feeling it is a belief system. Believing you can accomplish your desires is the foundation of a healthy manifestation habit.
Focusing on Negativity: Dwelling on negative thoughts can block your manifesting process. The saying, “where focus flows energy goes” is a helpful mantra to redirect any limiting beliefs that may occur as you work on your aspirations.
For example, I find it best to remember why I want to manifest something. My “why” motivates me to focus on my desired outcome and believe that it's possible.
Lack of Patience: Manifesting takes time. So, if you're feeling a little impatient, that's totally normal (I get that way too). Like I mentioned before about planting a seed - it doesn't bloom overnight, but with a little patience and care, it will eventually. That’s how manifesting intentions works: it’s the combination of belief, action and patience that can turn a dream into reality.
Overthinking: Avoid getting caught up in the details. Overthinking can disrupt your manifesting process. Instead of analyzing every single aspect, try to go with the flow. Trust your intuition and let go of control so that the manifestation naturally unfolds.
How I Manifest
Here’s the mindset and steps that consistently work for me:
Letter To My Future Self: I write a letter to my future self. My letter includes all the things I’m grateful for, including lessons learned, accomplishments, and unexpected experiences. Usually I include a section about the future things I’m looking forward to experiencing, too.
Vision Boards: Vision boards serve as visual reminders of my dreams and goals. By reflecting daily, in visual form, on what's important to me I'm signaling my subconscious mind to seek out opportunities and resources that can help me achieve my goals.
Prayer: My faith is a source of inspiration and reflection. Prayer helps me feel grateful for what I have and to see how blessed I already am. I typically pray first thing when I wake up in the morning, as it helps me start the day with a good

Guided Meditation: Inspired by comedian Jerry Seinfeld's advocacy for Transcendental Meditation, I've been exploring the benefits of deep meditation. I've found that meditation lowers my stress, and improves my ability to stay present.
Affirmations: I love affirmations. A few years ago I switched the style of my affirmations and word them to reflect what I have or working to achieve. For example, “I am building my dream home with the help of great contractors”, is a true statement for me in the present.
Affirmations amplify your efforts but don’t work if they conflict with your beliefs. It all comes back to

Let Go: Letting go of my attachment to the outcome actually helps me manifest quicker. When I don’t over analyze how my desires must appear, it’s letting my Creator know I’m open to receiving the outcome in a form that is best designed for me in that moment.
My Manifesting Tips
Take Action: While manifesting often involves emotional work, action is an essential part of the process, too. In fact, all the methods I'll discuss in this section are actions you can take to manifest your goals into fruition.
Setting Clear Goals: When I’m very clear about what I want to make happen in my life I get the best results. Being specific helps me track my progress and make adjustments as needed because I know exactly what I’m working

Visualization: Visualizing my goals is one of my favorite techniques for focusing my thoughts and energy in the right direction. If you’re new to it, visualization is the use of mental images to visually rehearse your desired outcome. If you want to try it for yourself my post, “19 Best Visualization Tips To Help You Achieve Your Goals” has some great ideas.
Gratitude: I practice gratitude to remind me of what is already abundant in my life as well as avoid a lacking mindset.
While a lacking mindset has a lot of definitions, for me it’s when I focus on things going wrong or thinking only negative outcomes will occur.
These thoughts can put me into a low vibrational state but finding something to be grateful for helps me raise my vibrational frequency.
Journaling: A few years ago I started journaling and it has changed my life. By using prompts (specific theme questions), and free writing (writing about any topic) I’ve learned a lot about myself, and the kind of life I want to create.
Mindset Shift: Changing my attitude by adopting a co-creator mindset created a significant transformation in my life.
As a kid I was taught to think that life just sort of happens to you. So, I grew up believing we just have to “deal” with our experiences.
I realized that I'm not just a passive observer in my own life. I have the power to actively shape my reality.
Vibrational Energy: Along with shifting my mindset, I learned that vibrational energy affects my wellbeing which in turn can influence my manifestation results.
Inspired by the concept of personal vibrational frequency I’ve learned that the choices I make, and how I react to what happens to me affects my energy levels, too.
Manifesting Success Stories
I'm sharing this list of things I've made happen, not to brag, but to show you that manifesting can look different for everyone.
- My husband and I purchased our dream home last year and are renovating it from the ground up
- I dreamed about giving our kids access to surf and horse riding lessons; they both are accomplished athletes in surfing and equestrian
- My husband started a successful business development consulting practice
Final Thoughts
Remember, manifesting isn't about magic; it's about aligning your thoughts, feelings, and actions with your goals. With consistent effort and belief, you can manifest your dreams into reality.
P. S.: Need a manifesting journal with done for you vision board that’s included? Try the Manifesting Journal and Law of Attraction Planner available on Amazon.