Affirmations are spoken words or written phrases that provide a confidence boost. In this post I've gathered 37 affirmations for raising your belief in yourself to achieve

List of three rules for using affirmations.

How To Use Affirmations

In order to make affirmations work try these 5 steps that also have worked for me.

5 Steps To Use Affirmations:

  1. Choose affirmations that resonate with you and your situation
  2. Say them out loud
  3. Write them down and review them as often as needed
  4. Save them to a Pinterest board
  5. Print it out and add to your vision boards

When To Use Affirmations

The best time to use these affirmations is anytime you feel that you need to use them. First thing in the morning. Right before you climb into bed. Or maybe you write in your bed...these are all moments that reflect a time when you choose is best to speak or write these affirming words.

37 Affirmations For Self Confidence

1. I am not my fears
2. My potential is unlimited
3. I am capable of achieving my goals and dreams
4. I deserve to be happy
5. I know I don’t have to be perfect
6. I have the right to feel confident
7. My emotions matter
8. I can express my true self
9. My mood doesn’t depend on other people’s opinions
10. I am growing and learning every day



11. I am consistent in my hard work
12. I am creating my dream life every single day
13. I am enough
14. I am persistent
15. I am grateful for my creative mind
16. I don’t need to apologize for who I am
17. I am unique and amazing
18. I respect myself
19. I value the effort and work I put in all aspects of my life
20. I grow every day to become a better version of myself

21. I can make a difference in this world
22. The best for me is right here
23. Nothing is more potent than my belief in me
24. I am deeply grateful for my body, my health, and my unique talents
25. I like who I am and who I am becoming
26. I am open to limitless possibilities
27. I am humble yet confident
28. All of my problems have solutions
29. I am confident in my ability to change my life
30. My past will not dictate my future


31. I am worthy because I honor who I am
32. Nobody but me decides how I feel
33. I have good values
34. My life is abundant
35. I do my best every day
36. My life is a blessing
37. I choose to take a calculated risk and follow my heart


There’s a saying that you are what you believe you are.

But when you believe in negative self talk it can be a struggle to have a positive outlook.

If you are feeling a lack of confidence then try these 3 easy steps to improve your mindset:

  • Be kind to yourself by taking a break and resting or relaxing
  • Make a list of things that are going well for you in the moment 
  • Write down all of the things you dream about achieving and keep it in a place that’s visible all the time. Look at this "dream list" and remind yourself why you're working on goals. Why you do something is an important motivator to keep going forward despite setbacks.

Confidence comes from knowing that there will be ups and downs in life. But accepting grace, regrouping your efforts and using affirmations to redirect your mind and spirit is a healthy strategy for your wellbeing. If you're ready to level up your self confidence, read my blog post, "5 No Nonsense Steps To Make A Vision Board"



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