
Want to transform your life? Start with a routine. This blog post will guide you through the process and show you how routines can help you become your best self.
Examples Of A Daily Routine
A good daily routine is any activity that you find helpful, relaxing, engaging or stimulating. For example, reading, exercising, cooking, organizing and cleaning are routines.
Activities that make you feel your highest, best self are the ones that level up your lifestyle. To make it easier for you I created a free, printable one page planner for you - get here:
4 Routines For Becoming Your Best Self
These four ideas are an easy way to get started with building routines that help you live as your best self:
- Drink a glass of warm water with lemon every morning
- Filling up a thermos or water bottle and drink all the water by the end of the day
- Take a 15 minute mini-break to rest, recharge or relax
- Choose your outfit the night before to make getting dressed each morning a quick and seamless experience
Here's the most important part: these are self-care related habits, too. Taking care of yourself first helps you take care of everything else that’s important in your

Why Should You Start A Daily Routine?
You should start a daily routine in order to design your outcomes instead of only reacting to what happens to you in life. We all have different dreams and goals. By creating a routine to support those intentions you'll literally reap the rewards of your progress.
How To Start A Daily Routine
First, ask yourself, “What do I want to accomplish?”
Second, write out the first couple of steps it takes to achieve the task or intention. A word of caution here - you don’t have to have every single step figured out. General outcomes you’re striving for are perfectly fine!
Also, be sure to Include activities that truly align with attaining the result.
Third, be consistent with your actions but remember to leave some room to have fun with your routines!
Fourth, track your progress and be kind to yourself with a reward once you’ve achieved consistency.
Fifth, repeat the above steps and be open to making adjustments, if necessary, until you find the right

What Daily Routines Work Best?
The best routines align with your intentions or the ‘why’ behind the reason for starting a daily routine. However knowing what actions to start, add or stop can be challenging.
I know how it feels when certain habits no longer work. Or they stop providing the results you desire. It happens to me as well. Remember, you’re free to adjust a system anytime it's no longer serving you or your ultimate

How To Narrow Down Choices For Your Routine
A simple way to narrow down choices for a routine is by tracking your current progress. Either you're getting closer to your goals or you're not. When you track results you’ll see patterns to help you decide what actions stay and what you should be omitted. By keeping all the good activities that help you feel your best you'll move you closer, quicker to your lifestyle goals.
Remember, be open to adjusting your routine. A good routine is one that serves you but isn't so rigid you can't change it up when needed.
Final Thoughts
No Structure and consistency may sound boring but having them as part of a daily routine can help you create the kind of life you desire.
Routines don’t have to be so hard. Try setting aside time each day for one activity like reading a books, cooking a new recipe or organizing your closet.
If you can prioritize one routine then you'll build good habits, build motivation, and reduce stress. At the end of the day, starting a routine gives you a sense of purpose. And that's what its all about - living life with purpose and joy.
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