
I've been thinking about how the phrase "success leaves clues" gets used a lot in the personal development community. However, I know from three decades of experience that success leaves patterns (something rarely talked about). Those patterns are habits, do-able by anyone looking to make their life better. I've put together habits of successful women for when you need inspiration on the path to your own personal growth goals.
What Is Success?
We often hear that success is simply knowing what you want and chasing after it. But there's more to the story, right? Turning dreams into reality requires consistent action. It's the repeated efforts that create results.
Repetitive action is so important because they become your habits. More importantly, habits reflect who you who you are, and who you desire to become. On top of that, you can immediately start using any of the ideas in this

Habits #1 - #6
#1 Start the day with a good mindsetSuccessful women establish their intention for the day first thing in the morning, That is to say they own the day by, before it even starts, by defining what they want to get done.
Before they do the work they visualize the steps. Seeing themselves worth through the process, problems and successful outcome helps to better prepare them for the real thing.
#3. Take risks
Women who are focused on achieving their goals do things outside of their comfort zone. Taking chances, starting before they're ready and not getting caught up in figuring out every step helps them get more done.
#4 Don't compare themselves to others
Comparison is not part of their framework. They know the dangers of comparing themselves again other people's achievements. So, they don't do it.
#5 They prepare for when things go badly
Like I mentioned up above in habit #2, successful women visualize processes. Seeing herself work through problems and worst-case-scenarios helps her plan for them in reality.
#6. Schedule time for specific tasks
Batch working or scheduling chunks of time for certain tasks means she can master each day's

Habits #7-#12
#7. They make rest a priority
They're aware of the proven research on the importance of good sleep for health. In fact, rest is part of their self-care routine.
#8. Consistent exercise is also a priority
In my blog post, "How I Make Room For Things That Matter", I discuss that exercise is one of the 5 pillars of a good, healthy life. So, get your sweat on and pick your favorite ways to move your body.
#9. Read a lot
Ultra-successful women share this one habit: they read a lot. They know that knowledge and information is more valuable than entertainment or scrolling social media. The value gets compounded or increased as they apply it to improve other aspects of their lifestyle.
#10. Focus on progress over perfection
The phrase, "Done is better than perfect" sums up how focused women manage their productivity. They won't make it ugly but they don't make it perfect all the time either.
#11 Take action
There is no progress, like in step #10 without action. They know the process is in the progress. The only way to do it is by taking action, one step at a time.
#12. Learn from every experience
Women who achieve their goals understand the importance of learning from every experience. Both positive and negative situations can teach them

Habits #13 - #18
#13. Share ideas and resources freely
To put it bluntly they don't hoard information. For example, they seek out ways to share, collaborate and support other others. This action is aligned with habit #14 below.
#14. Practice an abundance mindset
Successful women believe there's enough to go around for everyone which is an abundance mindset.
They openly share resources because they don't live in fear (scarcity mindset) that there's only enough for one.
And their belief system includes the idea the universe provides more than enough, to be shared equally, for those who seek it out.
#15. Avoids a scarcity mindset
Scarcity mindset is the feeling or belief that there's never enough to go around. Entrepreneurial women avoid this mentality because it promotes the wrong things: competition, stress, fear and tearing down of other people. These negative vibes are unwelcome in their belief system.
#16. Believe in themselves
A successful woman believes in her own potential. She's got countless stories about being under estimated and turning the doubting of her abilities into a strength. Self-confidence is a driving force within their success stories.
#17. Set goals
Setting goals is an action step of women who seek growth. They strive to achieve short and long term goals. When they achieve one goal, they're ready to level up and accomplish a new one.
#18. Practice gratitude
Another common trait among success oriented women is being grateful for blessings. Whether its a weekly gratitude list or daily journal, they take time to give thanks for what is going right in their life.

Habits #19 - #24
#19. Go above and beyond
They do one more. Even if it's just one more action step, they do it.
#20. Invest in self-improvement
These women know investing in themselves will directly increase personal health, finances and resources. For instance, taking a digital course or reading a book on their area of expertise is a form of self-improvement.
#21. Write down goals
Both short and long-range goals help to see the big picture. Successful women break down big projects into smaller steps.
#22. Have a positive attitude
This one seems so obvious but I have to include it in this list of habits of successful women. Challenging moments are a part of life but it's the ability to figure out solutions, take action in the midst of challenges. These women seek out the positive of any situation.
#23. Know when to take time off
Taking a break, a vacation or extra hour of sleep is the sign of a self-aware woman. That self-awareness helps them excel at their personal and professional goals.
#24. Ask for what they need without apologizing for it
Successful women ask for what they need with confidence.

Habits #25-#30
#25. Practice patience
They do what they do for the long term results and not for immediate gains.
#26. Protect energy levels
Managing engagement is something they learn to master quickly. They know the right tasks to focus energy on and which ones aren't important.
#27. Work smarter
Ambitious women use systems to work smarter. One example is the routine of working in time blocks to achieve more in a day. They take advantage of clear intentions, defined periods of work and rest with a focus on personal development. All of this is to say they try to balance out their work cycles for best results.
#28. Focus on being the best version of themselves
As much as they're committed to making their lives better equally important is improving the lives of others.
#29. Try new things
Trying something new, even if they're not fully ready is a trait of highly successful women. Entrepreneur and philanthropist Marie Forleo says, "The key to success is to start before you're ready."
#30. Always authentic
They're never afraid to be themselves. Quirky, nerdy, outspoken, powerful and confident. Being their authentic self is highest level of

Habits #31-#35
#31. Get out of their head and focus on health
They balance thinking and analyzing with exploring feelings and emotion. A point overlooked because so much emphasis is placed on mindset only. Undeniably, moving the body is a way to tap into being present and through feeling. Dancing, Pilates, and Yoga are 3 ways to harness the body.
#32. Build deep relationships
A woman that focuses on building successful outcomes knows she must build positive relationships too. Professional and personal friendships are considered an important part to increasing abundance in her lifestyle.
#33. Personalize their space
The work and personal space is dedicated for the purpose of increasing success. There's no room for junk. Only items that fulfill the intention of becoming their best self are placed in their office, bedroom or workspace.
#34. Seek female mentorsAmbitious women consistently reach out to female mentors. They recognize that learning from a woman even slightly more successful then are currently will help them learn and level up.
#35. Celebrate personal wins and those of othersThey know celebrating other women's accomplishments reduces personal feelings of envy and comparison fatigue. It also encourages their own

Habits #36-#39
#36. Resolve past issues
Women that are in touch with their feelings, like in habit #31 understands the importance of facing and resolving personal issues. She sorts them out and moves on so her past doesn't control her future.
#37. Help society
She considers it her divine duty to share her gifts with world as a way to help others. The only way to do it is to keep educating herself.
#38. Take responsibility for their wellbeing
A successful woman recognizes she's charge of her own wellness. Furthermore she understands this capability comes from within. Although other people can add or take away from her wellbeing she's in control of how those influences play a part in her lifestyle.
#39 Life-long learners
Successful women are always learning new concepts in their area of expertise. For example, they take digital courses, attend in person and virtual events, all for improving themselves. In their eyes, there’s never an end to self-growth and the opportunity to better themselves is always present.

Final Thoughts
Success does indeed leave clues and they're often in the form habits. Self-awareness, resilience, and acquiring knowledge are key to creating successful results.
However, it's not just about achieving the outcomes, it's about the journey, too.
In fact I think there's a habit missing from my list. I'm going to add here that embracing the process to make aspirations a reality is a foundation for achieving any goal.
So, explore what gets you excited, the thing that you can talk about for hours without running out of ideas or opinions and then work on it each day for at least 30 minutes. Each week, each month that goes by you'll have created something purposeful and fulfilling. Let me know in the comments what you're planning to work on!